When did we stop letting little girls be little girls?
When did they start painting their face
And tightening their waists?
When did we begin to define beauty
As something bottled and sold?
When did we start telling little girls
That they were not enough
When did we start telling little girls
Be something else
When did we stop letting little girls be little girls?
When did we tell them they had to grow up?
When will we stop?
When will we start raging against the machine?
When will we cry out against this “modern love”?
When will we say enough?
When will we let innocence be?
When will we let little girls be little girls again?
Is it too late to tell them?
To tell them they are enough
To tell them there’s nothing wrong with them
To tell them the world is wrong
But magazines and pop stars are so much louder
How will they ever hear us over all this noise?